[2024] Discord updates for Rick

Read about the latest updates and announcements about Rick Chainley for Discord.

There is a global topic for updates related to both :telegram: telegram and :discord: discord.

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Rankings :trophy:

The reputation system has been replaced for rankings. Experience is given to the top 10 users and guilds on the hourly/weekly/monthly generated leaderboards.

A set amount of exp is given on every leaderboard generation depending on the position you (or your server) has on that leaderboard. It might take a while, before you even reach rank 1.

Ranking logic might change in the future, so consider this… Season 1?

:game_die: This is just a fun feature, luck is a big factor to getting first seen mark. However overtime, rankings should reflect the amount of time you/your guild is on the leaderboads.

Users :orangutan:

Users can check their ranking with .rep and check the ranking leaderboard with the slash command /rep.

If a user has a rank, it’s always shown on the leaderboards/burps right next to the username: mentionlux (13).

Start date: 2023-07-29T22:00:00Z

Guilds :european_castle:

The top 10 best ranked guilds, can be shown with /guildrep. For now, this is the only way to see guild ranks, so if you are not in the top-10, your guild rank remains a secret.

Guilds rank up significantly slower than users.

Start date: 2023-08-10T22:00:00Z

[!info] @server-admins: You can add the BurpBoard to your server - instructions here.

Discord Verified :white_check_mark:

I finally got Rick verified, you can now add him to your server :tada:

Check the admin guide for the invite + instructions.

AI behaviour change

Experimental change: lowercase “rick” is ignored, so for the AI, @mention the bot or “Rick” (with a Capital).

This should decrease the amount of unintended replies in your server.

:zap: TLDR: Join my server, add the burpboard + rick-updates to your server: Alpha Pack

Dear server owner (and members)!

I’m really grateful you added Rick to your community. I hope your members got used to his presence by now.

I want to use this rare announcement to offer some basic guidance, tips & news.

Some things I’d like to add

  • Rick AI ignores lowercase “rick” mentions.
  • Rick saying HP doesn’t always mean unsellable. Check SIM status for that. Honeypot status is raised if there are one or multiple flags.
  • Learn about user and guild rankings: read

Wish y’all a good day/night & sorry for disturbing the peace on your server :grinning:

@server-admins - You now have the choice to restrict the usage of commands that cost 20 credits or more.

This allows you to better manage guild credits usage. If the user has sufficient personal balance, this limitation is not effective.

This feature is enabled, if your server has the ‘Pickle Enthusiast’ role - to disable it anytime, just rename or delete the role. Only users with this role will be able to use commands that cost 20+ credits.

Added a warning for masked links to keep your server safe! :shield:

The socials command in Discord can be used in a new way.

  1. It works without the . prefix, so soc <token_contract> works now.
  2. You can search by query, like .x: soc pepe (keep in mind there is a reason I forced usage by contract, it ensures you always get the correct socials, when search returns the wrong token, you might get wrong socials - use at own risk).

Get pings on 7D/31D burpboards

Server admins can now add a role named @burpboard to allow users to receive a ping when the 7D or 31D burpboard is posted. How to add burpboard to your server is documented in the FAQ.


Notable changes - 21-oct

  • Added a link to PirbViewBot (PVB) and direct link to check socials (SOC) with Rick on Telegram.
  • Unfortunately FT points are a private value now, so Rick is not able to show/track points.
  • Summary command (.s) for X now supports long tweets.

Happy new year! Currently Rick is in 1200+ servers, we started the leaderboards when Rick was in ±400 servers. The guild leaderboards reset took place at: 2024-01-01T17:00:00Z - the top 25 guilds are now shown with a yellow crown :rick_crown: in the Rick leaderboards/burps.

You can always use /guildrep to get the current top 10 and actual ranking for your guild.

The top 25 for 2023:

  1. Cryptic - 82
  2. Owners Lair - 22
  3. Grand🎄 - 21
  4. The Capitol - 19
  5. Pastel :santa::christmas_tree: - 13
  6. Living on the Internet - 11
  7. Milkyverse - 9
  8. underground - 7
  9. Unidentified DAO - 6
  10. Stress Capital - 6

  1. CookerFNF - 4
  2. Shilluminati - 4
  3. Free Money Market - 4
  4. new hitters - 4
  5. Moonshot Apes New Pair Gem Hunters - 3
  6. CMDDAO - 3
  7. Hideout - 3
  8. NFT Friends Alpha - 2
  9. festive street - 2
  10. Versus - 2
  11. DA FROZONE - 2
  12. Owners Lair - 2
  13. persistence - 2
  14. G Crib - 2
  15. Choose DeFi - 2

View on X

Summaries V2

Earlier summaries V2 was introduced in Telegram. The same is now available in Discord. You can use the command .dx to get a V2 summary in the current channel.

Additionally, you can use .vidx to summarize a YouTube video, as alternative to the .vid command. This allows longer YouTube videos to be processed but also should give much better results.

Cashtag support

This is available in Telegram for a while, finally, due to popular request Rick now listens to $cashtags in Discord.

The feature has been enabled globally, but can be turned of by running the slash command /cashtag by any of the server moderators (must have “Manage Channel” permission). It might take a while before the new command is visible in all servers.


[!info] This topic only contains items that are specific to Discord. Most updates in Global Ricklog & Announcements are applicable to Discord.

Finally, custom AI prompts are available on :discord: Discord. Check out the main article on custom prompts to learn more.

With custom prompts, you can change Rick’s behaviour, make him friendlier, or even let him go harder on the roasting.

Forwarded Messages

More servers are gradually gaining access to the new “Forward Message” feature Discord recently introduced.

From now on, Rick will respond to these forwarded messages if any contract is detected in the contents of the forwarded message.

I am aware of the stability issues with the Discord bot. If everything goes well, these will be fixed this week. I cannot promise there won’t be moments of downtime during these changes. In the meantime, I aim to keep the bot as stable as possible.

If there will be more than ±15 minutes of planned downtime, I will announce this in Rick’s Lab Discord, tagging the @rick-updates role.


2024-11-12T02:00:00Z The bot is expected to be stable. However, please note that some features may be broken at this time. Specifically, the DexPaid Alerts and reminders are currently non-operational. I’m working to restore these features as soon as possible.

[!tip] Use .w or /zap at any time to check if Rick is online.

You can now enable banners on token scans on a per-channel basis. Read more: How to include banners, images or charts in scans by default?

[!tip] You can also see the banner using the .dp command.

:white_check_mark: Alert features should be operational again. Some old reminders may have been sent out when the service was restored.

Twitter Recycles V2

The .twit command has received the refresh that Telegram got a while ago; you now see a detailed list of recycles and their timestamps, including the pairs (if any) known for the account.

Note that there can be multiple entries; for example, if you run .twit elonmusk, you will get the most recent deploys linked to Elon tweets.

Pumpfun Search

The Pumpfun Search command is now live on Discord. Learn more about it here: Finding the oldest pump.fun tokens

Additionally, it’s now possible to force-search any pumpfun token with: .pf contract.