Dex Paid Checker

The enhanced DexPaid[1] command gives you more insight into DexScreener orders than ever before! It shows DEX paid, CTO[2], ads, and boost status for any token.

[!new] TIP: Dex Paid alerts alert your group as soon as DexScreener socials are updated.

Related commands

  • /dp contract on :telegram: Telegram
  • .dp contract on :discord: Discord


Rick always shows simple DEX paid status on scans. If you want to query this at a later point, you can use the dp command.

Rick will tell you the following:

  • The first line always states the current DexPaid status.
  • :memo: If DEX is paid (are socials updated?)
  • :zap: The current boost status
  • :people_hugging: If a Community Take-Over (CTO) is ordered
  • :mega: If token ads or trending ads are ordered

The :green_circle: emoji indicates the order is accepted. This also sets the token status to :white_check_mark: DexPaid.

[!info] Supports all networks listed on DexScreener


Simply use /dp contract on :telegram: Telegram or .dp contract on :discord: Discord. You can also use it in reply to any Rick message.

The last five orders are always shown. If you want to see the full history, use /dp contract full - if the output is trimmed (more than 5 orders), there will be a note showing you that there is more history than currently shown.

[!tip] Can also be used in-reply-to any Rick message.

[!warning] /dp ticker works, but it’s not recommended as, in some cases, the wrong contract address is fetched.


  • On scans, DEX paid is always shown: [3]
  • If socials are shown on the main pricebot in the “:toolbox: More” line, DEX is paid: [4]


Moonshots come with free Enhanced Token Information; there is no need to pay DexScreener. Therefore, moonshots are indicated differently in the output of the dp command: 🌜 Moonshot token


[!next] Social Finder

  1. We refer to DEX paid when the token socials order has been paid for. ↩︎

  2. Community Take-Over ↩︎

  3. ↩︎

  4. ↩︎