The enhanced DexPaid[1] command gives you more insight into DexScreener orders than ever before! It shows DEX paid, CTO[2], ads, and boost status for any token.
[!new] TIP: Dex Paid alerts alert your group as soon as DexScreener socials are updated.
Related commands
/dp contract
.dp contract
Rick always shows simple DEX paid status on scans. If you want to query this at a later point, you can use the dp command.
Rick will tell you the following:
- The first line always states the current DexPaid status.
If DEX is paid (are socials updated?)
The current boost status
If a Community Take-Over (CTO) is ordered
If token ads or trending ads are ordered
The emoji indicates the order is accepted. This also sets the token status to
[!info] Supports all networks listed on DexScreener
Simply use /dp contract
on Telegram or
.dp contract
on Discord. You can also use it in reply to any Rick message.
The last five orders are always shown. If you want to see the full history, use /dp contract full
- if the output is trimmed (more than 5 orders), there will be a note showing you that there is more history than currently shown.
[!tip] Can also be used in-reply-to any Rick message.
/dp ticker
works, but it’s not recommended as, in some cases, the wrong contract address is fetched.
- On scans, DEX paid is always shown: [3]
- If socials are shown on the main pricebot in the “
More” line, DEX is paid: [4]
Moonshots come with free Enhanced Token Information; there is no need to pay DexScreener. Therefore, moonshots are indicated differently in the output of the dp command: 🌜 Moonshot token
[!next] Social Finder