Social Finder

Find socials effortlessly, even before DEX is paid - with the soc command.


You can use /soc 0x... or /soc pepe (search works only for :eth: ETH).

Keep in mind, that searching by token contract is preferred, in case searching by query returns the wrong token.

/soc supports: :sol: Solana, :eth: Ethereum and :trx: Tron.

[!tg] Click the SOC shortcut to quickly check socials in DM. On Telegram, Twitter Recycles are also shown when you run the soc command.

[!discord] On Discord, you can use the .soc command. It’s good to know this command can also be used without the dot . prefix: soc <contract or query>.

Find socials after CTO

After a Community Take-Over, socials are usually submitted to DexScreener (see DexPaid command). You can find the updated socials by simply querying the token. The socials are shown in the “:toolbox: More:” section:


For :base: Base, use /bsoc 0x...
