New quicklinks & Twitter Recycles V2
- [Experimental] Twitter Recycle Checker has been updated, showing much more detailed information, including tokens that are linked with the handle. Coming soon to Discord.
- The /twit command is also easier to run by clicking the [♺] shortcut.
- You can use /dp and /soc in reply to any Rick scan response.[1]
- Quicklink added for GMGN - seen as GMG on Rick.
- emoji is shown on PF scans if KOTH[2] is reached.
- Several quicklinks added for Apechain and Worldchain.
- Shuriken and NFD quicklinks added for SUI.
[!tip] Reminder: To query tokens with numbers, emojis or special characters, use
/x 01
or/z 01
- $cashtags do not work in these cases.