Global Ricklog & Announcements

Rick’s trending tokens (BETA)

[!new] Now, also available /dextrending for trending DEX tokens and /sptrending for :sun_with_face: sunpump

With the amount of tokens launching it can be hard to discover tokens worth your attention. To help you, a experimental feature has been released and is now available both on :telegram: Telegram and Discord :discord:.

[!discord] Discord users can simply select the /pftrending command from the slash-command list.

  • On tokens scans you will see :fire: #1 now for trending tokens.
  • The :pill: emoji always takes you to the site!
  • /groupmode is default for Allowing you to see who scanned when in your chat.
  • The command /pftrending can be used at anytime to query trending tokens. You can also use the shorter command: /pft.
  • Coming soon for all non-pumpfun tokens!

[!warning] Always DYOR - trending algo’s are fairly easy to be manipulated.

Flexcards, token locks & a new default: groupmode


What is groupmode?

Token locks

Use .tl tokenAddress on :discord: Discord or /tl tokenAddress on :telegram: Telegram to check if tokens are locked for Solana tokens.

Moonshot & Improved AI Chat

Telegram has supported moonshot for a while; today, a few improvements were pushed to both platforms.

  • Discord now supports Moonshot
  • Trending indicator for moonshots :fire:
  • mstrending command - short alternative on :telegram: = /mst

Server/chat-based token tracking support is coming soon.

[!bug] Public Beta Feature
Rick’s core AI has two new abilities: he is now able to search Talk.Markets and read webpages. This means you can ask questions about Rick’s functionality. He can also get information from cheatsheet or feed, making him overall a bit more useful.

New quicklinks & Twitter Recycles V2


  • [Experimental] Twitter Recycle Checker has been updated, showing much more detailed information, including tokens that are linked with the handle. Coming soon to Discord.
  • The /twit command is also easier to run by clicking the [] shortcut.
  • You can use /dp and /soc in reply to any Rick scan response.[1]


  • Quicklink added for GMGN - seen as GMG on Rick.
  • :crown: emoji is shown on PF scans if KOTH[2] is reached.
  • Several quicklinks added for Apechain and Worldchain.
  • Shuriken and NFD quicklinks added for SUI.

[!tip] Reminder: To query tokens with numbers, emojis or special characters, use /x 01 or /z 01 - $cashtags do not work in these cases.

  1. ↩︎

  2. King of the Hill ↩︎

:warning: Degraded Performance - API

In recent days, I have observed a significant rise in errors from the API during peak hours. I reported this issue to the team yesterday, as soon as I became aware of it.

The current situation remains unresolved, resulting in scans being very slow or timing out completely. A side effect of this situation is that genuine tokens may be mistakenly flagged as fake tokens.

[!rick] Status: Happens occasionally… generally stable


:trophy: You can now check the ATH leaderboards for other members in the same server/group.

:discord: Specify a member in the slash-command helper. [1]
:telegram: Simply use /ga @handle 7d last or combine it with any of the other available arguments.

To see your own scans, you can simply include the me argument or select the “Personal” flag in Discord.


:busts_in_silhouette: Notable holders is now available for free to everyone!

  1. ↩︎