ATH leaderboards

All-Time-High leaderboards! This feature shows tokens by gains to ATH in your community, with customizable timeframes and network options.

[!tg] Telegram chat must be a supergroup for token tracking to work - read more

Quick usage

  • groupath - default shows 50 newest tokens
  • groupath 1h
  • groupath 6h last - includes old tokens
  • groupath fresh 4h - sorted by recently hit ath
  • groupath ton all
  • groupath @user last - show last 50 for another member, include old tokens
  • groupath me sol - show your own, only :sol:
  • :new: groupath 7d ago - previous 7 days

[!tg] Additionally, /ga can be used as shorter command. Use /gam to get a more compact, less detailed response!

[!discord] Discord: simply select the /groupath command from the command list, you can fill any parameter using the command helper in Discord.



This command has many arguments, but can be called without arguments as well.

By default, you will see the top tokens by gain, based on last 50 NEW tokens that were seen (and meet the requirements) in in your community.

However, you can mix any available argument.


Can be any amount of hours, days or weeks:

  • 1h, 4h, 1w, 2w, 3m, or anything custom OR
  • all includes all tokens in your chat - will be cooldowned after beta.

If you specify any timeframe, only NEW tokens within this timeframe are included. NOTE: It is possible that less tokens are showing on higher timeframes due to dynamic quality filters.

[!tip] You can include last parameter, to include any token that is scanned within the given timeframe (including older tokens).


Argument me can be included if you only want to see tokens you got the lowest scan for.


Include any of the following networks in your command: sol, eth, base, bsc, ton, ftm, avax - more will be supported in the future (feel free to request any).


Including this argument, will sort the leaderboard based on the all-time-high time. This allows you to show tokens that hit ATH recently.

Stats explained

The stats should be pretty straightforward. In the top 5 users, we show: the username, average gain, total tokens for this member and the hit rate. Based on various metrics, members are ranked based on the actual dataset.

Example line:

[!example] Name ⋅ avg: average gain ⋅ T: total tokens:dart: hit raterating

[!example] :1st_place_medal: | ticker @ FDV seenATH fdv Δ X's to ATH
:chart_with_upwards_trend:[1] :muscle:[2] [chain]:clock4: time since ATHusername

What is hitrate?

Currently, a hit is counted if the token did at least 5x.

What is median?

The median[3] is the middle value in a list of numbers when they are arranged in order. It helps to provide a more accurate representation of token performance by reducing the impact of extreme values (outliers).

For example, if a few tokens have exceptionally high gains, the average gain might be skewed, making it seem like most tokens are performing better than they actually are. The median gives a clearer picture of typical performance.


Also see: Leaderboard FAQ

Some tokens are missing!

Rick only shows tokens that have a timestamp for the ATH, these are only stored since 5-6 months ago. :pill: tokens are included after migration, this is one of the requirements for a token to make it into the leaderboards.

Because Rick tracks every scan, several filters are in place to make sure only qualified tokens are shown, quick pump and dumps are not included. Known honeypots & scams are also filtered from the list.

Various other filters help ensure quality output, during beta, these are still being fine-tuned.

Keywords: leaderboard, serverath, groupath, lb, calls

  1. Open a quick chart. Shown as “dex” in Discord. ↩︎

  2. Generate a Flexcard ↩︎

  3. Definition: The median is the value separating the higher half from the lower half of a data sample, effectively representing the middle point in a sorted list of numbers. ↩︎