DeepSeek support & Bundles on migrated tokens

:package: Bundles for migrated tokens

Notable bundles are now shown on newly migrated Pumpfun :pill: tokens. I also wrote a small guide about bundling and how you can use the information shown on Rick.

:discord: New on Discord

Most new features are tested on Telegram; once stable (and popular enough), they are added to Discord. DexSearch was quite popular, so you have access to this command now!

:mag_right: Searching DEX tokens

DexSearch can be used with the .ds command - easily find the token you’re looking for!

:robot: DeepSeek AI

DeepSeek is now available in :discord: Discord using: .deep <prompt here>. It was released last week for Telegram. Read more about the deep command and how to use it.

:fire: Trending Twitter/đť•Ź posts

A trending indicator has been added to Tweets shared in Discord. You can see the trending tweets at any time using the /tt slash-command. More about trendings…

:sos: Improved .help command

Various links and information have been added to the .help command for enhanced clarity. The guild ID and the current channel ID are now also displayed in the help response.

:arrows_counterclockwise: Changed commands in Discord

To keep things in sync with the Telegram bot, /serverath and /serverburp are now /groupath and /groupburp.