Leaderboard FAQ

Why is the leaderboard empty?

Make sure that your group is a supergroup. Is my chat a supergroup?

What is group mode?

You can read all about groupmode in this post.

The leaderboard is wrong?

The core leaderboard commands like :discord: serverburp and :telegram: groupburp are showing you active plays in the group, this means they are based on the current FDV and not all-time highs.

This command cares about coins that are still alive, as there is little value in “oh this coin hit 300x” if this coin only survived for 34 minutes. Active leaderboards make much more sense and provide real-time insights, think of it as a shared real-time watchlist for your group.

[!new] Are you looking for ATH leaderboards instead?

Are pump.fun tokens tracked?

Yes, pump fun tokens are tracked for all groups. After migration, you might see something like 💊 Migrated, seen @ 43.0K by username in the footer. In Telegram, the username also links to the initial message/scan.

Globally, pump.fun tokens are not tracked until the Raydium migration is completed. This means on every pump.fun launch, the start FDV is reasonable and there are opportunities for everyone to get the lowest scan.

This logic is by choice as I believe it makes sense for pre-raydium tokens. We do not want all tokens on the leaderboard to be scanned at 1K FDV and showing unrealistic X’s.

I scanned first, why am I not on the leaderboard?

Rick always takes the lowest scan, so someone else might’ve scanned lower and basically “stole” your earlier scan (but gave the group a better entry opportunity).

[!tg] Dip scanning in groups is now disabled. A setting to enable this will be added soon.

The logic here varies per leaderboard, for example within groups, after a short time a scan can not be stolen anymore. The footer shows this information, depending on the groupmode that is set.

Why is token XYZ not appearing on the leaderboard?

  • There are some filters to ensure the leaderboard quality.
  • Scan the token again (with /gc contract if groupmode is disabled) and verify Rick got your scan, the footer should show something like: :trophy: yourUsername @ 90.2K⋅9x :eyes: 2.4K
  • If you think there is a bug, please reach out!

Understanding the lines on @BurpBoard or groupburps

How to read the lines on the leaderboards? An example line on the leaderboard looks like this:

:1st_place_medal: | TOKEN @ lowest FDV seen ➜ current FDV Δ delta[1]
↳ by user[2] (rep)[3] [servername][4]

  1. Change from lowest FDV to current FDV ↩︎

  2. Shows username / [anon] if the server or chat is /anon or clantag if set. ↩︎

  3. Only in Discord, more info ↩︎

  4. Only in Discord ↩︎