Rick has always tracked the lowest scans on Discord and Telegram, showing daily, weekly and monthly leaderboards. Now introducing clans for Telegram.
Rick for Telegram has been anonymous by default and will stay this way - you can show your members usernames globally if they scan first in your chat, using /anon off
Alternatively, as a community you can now set a CLAN tag for your group, using the /clantag
What does this do?
- If a member in your chat scans first, your [CLAN] tag will be shown instead of the, widely known [anon] label.
- This is shown on /burp, @BurpBoard and all price scans.
- As always, if you scan at a lower FDV then the current low, your clan will be shown as lowest scan.
Example of the footer if your clantag is BURP:
[BURP] @ 67.9K 2695x 13752
How do I set a clantag?
Please run /clantag
and read the responses carefully.
- A clantag can not be changed within 30 days.
- A clantag can not be disabled within 7 days.
- A clantag can only be used by one chat at a time.
- Only A-Z and 0-9 is allowed.
- Maximum of 5 characters.
- Will always be shown UPPERCASE.
- You need to be admin of the group.
Good to know
Changing the clantag or disabling it (/clantag OFF
) does not take remove TAG from older scans. So think wisely about your tag.