Clans for Telegram

Clantags allow you to set a unique tag for your Telegram group, which will be displayed on leaderboards and price scans. This feature provides a way to identify your community and showcase your members’ achievements.

You can now set a CLANTAG tag for your group, using the /clantag command.

[!tip] Rick for Telegram has been anonymous by default and will stay this way - your members are hidden globally if they scan first in your chat, this can be disabled by running the /anon off command.

Why should I set a clantag?

Take a look at Clan Rankings :medal_military:

[!note] You can use /flex contract anon to generate a flexcard with the clantag instead of the username!

What does this do?

  • If a member in your chat scans first, your [CLAN] tag will be shown instead of the widely known [anon] label.
  • This is shown on /burp, @BurpBoard, and all price scans in DM by default.
  • If you scan at a lower FDV than the current low, your clan will be shown as the lowest scan.

Example of the footer if your clantag is BURP:

:shield: [BURP] @ 67.9K :chart_with_upwards_trend: 2695x :eyes: 13752

How do I set a clantag?

Please run /clantag and read the responses carefully.

  • A clantag cannot be changed within 30 days.
  • A clantag cannot be disabled within 7 days.
  • A clantag can only be used by one chat at a time.
  • Only A-Z and 0-9 are allowed.
  • Maximum of 5 characters.
  • Will always be shown in UPPERCASE.
  • You need to be an admin of the group.
  • If any abuse is detected in any way, your chat will be banned clan features.

[!new] If you have the lowest scan globally, your clan is also shown on @Burpboard

How do I link my Twitter/𝕏?

You can link a Twitter/𝕏 profile to your clantag (you need to be admin to do this). It can be your DAO’s profile or your personal profile.

  1. Set up a clantag first
  2. Run /setsocials, click the link to post a pre-generated tweet
  3. Copy the tweet link
  4. Run /setsocial
  5. All set, your clantag will now become clickable in the Clan Rankings.

Good to know

Changing the clantag or disabling it (/clantag OFF) does not remove the TAG from older scans. So think wisely about your tag.
