[2024] Telegram updates for Rick

Read about the latest updates and announcements about Rick Chainley for Telegram.

There is a global topic for updates related to both :telegram: telegram and :discord: discord.

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Everyone feature + delete price checks

A neat feature: ping a chat - like @everyone in Discord. Rick will force-pin the notification. Everyone will be notified.

There are three ways to do this.

  1. Ping existing message: Reply to any message you want to ping with /ping
  2. Fast ping: you said some shit and just want to alert the group: type /ping
  3. Message ping: Rick will post your message and force-pin in directly: /ping get rekt

Delete a message from Rick

Checked the wrong price?

Since we don’t have reactions like Discord, you can delete any pricemessage (actually any message from Rick) by just replying with x within 1 minute.

[!warning] Permissions needed: Admin + delete messages + pin messages.

Telegram preferences :telegram:

Group chat admins can now use /pricemode adv and /pricemode sim to change the response style for the autoresponder.

The default is simple, /x command is the same as advanced which you are all probably familiar with, the new /z command will respond with the short widget.

/x will always show the advanced widget and /z will always show the short widget, regardless of your group preference.

New beta feature: CoinGecko lookup

Telegram users can now look up CoinGecko tokens with /a <search query>, for example: /a xmr

If you’re noticing any responsiveness issues with @RickBurpBot (and other Telegram bots!) it’s because the Telegram Bot API is having issues at the moment. Main website telegram.org is also unreachable.

Rick x $INJ

As you may have noticed recently, some bug is causing the TG bot to go down quite often.

Ever since this happened, I’ve been very busy trying to find the root cause of this. I feel I am close, but not there yet. The server can handle all requests very well, but when timing out, it fails to send the responses to the Telegram endpoint.

First of all, hours of downtime shouldn’t happen anymore. This was mostly due to me being AFK or asleep, and the bots never really crashed before. If the bot is timing out, it will auto-restart in 1-2 minutes. This allows me to find the bug in peace, since I’m unable to reproduce to bug manually, it has to happen to see if my changes (or not) to see if my changes had any effect.

Some changes have been made to improve the performance of the bot:

  • Short AI queries like “Hi Rick” will be ignored from now on.

  • Several rate limits have been implemented to prevent spamming contracts to the bot.

  • I allowed querying the bot using self-bots before, but I will start banning IDs that are consistently spamming the bot.
    TIP: You can add a deep link to Rick using ?start=0xcontract from your bot for quick access.

Some of these changes might be reverted when the bug is found.

:white_check_mark: Solved!

Rick now listens to TON contracts or pairs.

Listening to TON token format is pretty tricky, and we already listen to many different token formats, so if Rick is responding to any thing that it shouldn’t, lmk.

Tokens can be searched as well, however if u are searching by name, end the query with ton

Keep in mind, very quick and dirty feature since I’m patiently waiting for DexScreener to integrate.

[PUBLIC BETA] Dub V2 (Summaries V2)

If you are using summaries (/dub) regularly, you can now try out /dubx to try a new version of the summary command. This version should have a better understanding of the relations and context in your chat - I’ve seen worse results than Summaries V1, but in general, results of V2 are better.

Keep in mind this feature takes the same amount of credits as the regular summarize command.

Your feedback on this will be appreciated!

:warning: Do not use /dubx and /dub subsequently to “compare” the results, because the first will influence the other strongly if not enough new messages came in between the two invocations.

New command: groupgun :gun:

Additionally to the /groupburp command, you can now use /groupgun to get a similar overview, however this only shows tokens with a larger cap.

This view is a bit more static and enables the ability to use the Active token tracking for communities feature for larger caps alongside your degen adventures!

I see a micro cap shitter in this list, why?

It might be possible that the token was last checked in your chat at 3M FDV, so this token will be included in your overview. If the token dumped at the time you run /groupgun, it will show in your #GROUPGUN overview until you scan this token again.

This feature will be available in Discord soon.

Server upgraded :green_circle:

2024-04-03T20:00:00Z - the server has been upgraded to increase stability of the Telegram bot.

Improved /aica command :telegram:

If you have AI credits you can now use /aica 0xc0ntract base to get an AI report of uncommon functions for verified Base :base: contracts.

The default (if no argument is provided) is Ethereum.

More chains will be added in the feature, as well as Discord :discord: support.

:warning: This command is extremely experimental and may FUD you out of your shitter, use with caution.

Small /tldr improvement

Now you can TLDR articles & YouTube videos all in one command: /tldr. Read more about this feature in this topic - this improvement is only available on :telegram: Telegram.

New /ask command

A new beta command is added: /ask is an alternative to the /uhh command. This command uses a online LLM model, meaning it can retrieve up-to-date information from the web.

This command is not conversational, it’s more of a Q&A command - it’s really focused on trying to retrieve actual information on every interaction. This means it’s not retrieving chat history by default. You can give it some context by replying to any relevant message instead.

For the time being, this command only costs 1 credit (same as a regular “Rick” mention).

The same command will be added to :discord: Discord when testing in Telegram is successful.


Repost support for Instragram and TikTok

Telegram chats using /fixtwitter on will now also have TikTok and Instagram links reposted to better embeds, supporting inline playback - tweet

A post was merged into an existing topic: Ricklog - Announcements

Socials, stickergun and pump.fun titles

  • /soc command now shows a image if available for Solana tokens
  • The title on pump.fun tokens are now in match with the overal design, taking you to DM to re-scan the token in private. The :pill: emoji always takes you to the pump.fun page
  • /stickergun (on/off) - If enabled, Rick will delete all stickers and GIF’s that are posted in your chat
  • After some complaints, /remind can only be used by admins (users with a title)

A few notable changes that have been pushed recently.

  • Translate any message (experimental).
  • cx - Use /cx token to show a shorter response with chart. [1]
  • FixTwitter is now enabled by default: Better Twitter/X embeds.
  • topup command now allows for larger credit purchases.
  • emojimode - Set to off to reduce emoji usage on the pricebot. [2]
  • Longer history included for chat summaries in premium chats.
  • Various minor QOL improvements.

  1. ↩︎

  2. ↩︎

This week I will be working on scaling the Telegram bot. There will be database migrations; due to this, there may be small moments of downtime. I will do my best to keep downtime to a minimum.

Please follow @RickBurpBotNews. If any downtime is expected, this will be announced there.

[!tip] When you notice Rick is unresponsive, paste a CA or use /x or /z to scan tokens; they frontrun the backlog.

Rick will experience a brief downtime as we prepare for the database migration.

[!success] 2024-10-16T13:23:00Z - The migration has been successfully completed, and everything should now be stable once again.