Credits for Rick

Credits are being used for AI commands, with credits we can charge for fair usage instead of using flat monthly fees. AI usage is very dependent on input and these can vary significantly, especially for /uhh command because it can do many queries for you before giving an answer.

How does it work?

Every chat/user gets some credits for free. You need credits to use the AI commands.

  • Trial credits are given to every chat/user.
  • User balance is prioritized over chat balance.
  • Users are free to decide whether to buy personal or group/server credits.
  • :rotating_light: Please report any bugs regarding the credit system.

Discord :discord:

  • Get free trial credits
    • Servers: type /balance or on first interact with AI features.
    • Personal: type /mybalance in any server.

Telegram :telegram:

  • Get free trial credits
    • Group chats: type /help, /balance or on the first interaction with AI features.
    • Personal: Start a DM with Rick, type /mybalance or /help.

Credits per successful command

Command Credits
“Rick” or mention 1
/uhh or .ask 6
/dub or .d 10
/tldr or .s 10
/aica or .aica 20
/aicapro or .ap 75
/vid or .vid 40


Includes the commands above.

Command Credits
summarize article 10
unroll thread 20
summarize twitter user 40
summarize thread 35

More about commands: Telegram :telegram: or Discord :discord:


A starter package (2000cr) is available for 30$.

Credits USD
6000 $100
14000 $250
38000 $500
85000 $1K

:white_check_mark: Any EVM token (main token/stables) is accepted.

How to top-up?

Remember, I’m currently in beta, which means my prices are flexible. They might increase or decrease as I refine my services and find the best balance for everyone.