It’s possible to have Rick respond in the comments of your Telegram channel. This way, all shared tokens in your channel will be tracked by Rick, you can query various leaderboards like /groupath (or /ga) and /groupburp.
Make a discussion group
For this to be possible, you need to have a Discussion Group - you can add this under Manage Channel in the desired channel.
[!rick] For the best token tracking experience, make this discussion chat a supergroup!
Invite Rick
Invite Rick to this group (not the channel) and give the bot admin permissions (more about permissions)
Rick will now reply to any contract, chart link, or $cashtags in your comment section.
Anon Posting
[!warning] Warning for Anonymous Posting in Channels
Please refrain from posting anonymously in your channel or linked discussion group if you are using tracking features. Anonymous posters will be displayed as @Telegram or @GroupAnonymousBot.