Setting up Rick in Discord

Adding Rick to your Discord community? This topic guides you through the process.


[!warning] For Rick to work, his highest-ranking role needs the custom color below for aesthetics. Without this dot . commands won’t work.

The best practice for this, is to change his default “Rick” role color to the required color.

Alternatively, create a new role with the required color, and assign it to Rick. Make sure to drag the role above the default Rick role.


If you have a complex role hierarchy and are experienced with permission structures, you can also make a cosmetic role (without any permissions). Make sure that this is the highest ranking role you assign to Rick. This makes it easier if you already have a complex role configured for other bots in your server.

Invite Rick

Required permissions

Rick needs the following permissions for the channels where you want him to be, to work properly.

  • View Channel
  • Send Messages
  • Read Message History
  • Manage Messages (to clean up commands and rate-limit notices)
  • Embed Links
  • Add reactions
  • Use External Emojis
  • Member roles you want to give access to /commands need “Use Application Commands”
  • Create Public Threads & Send Messages in Threads (optional, in most servers this is not needed).

[!danger] Never give third-party bots Administrator rights, including Rick!

To disable Rick in a channel, remove read/send permissions from the desired channel. Note: this will also stop tracking tokens that your members check.

Add BurpBoard feed

To add a leaderboard to your server, read this item.

For the Telegram version, just join @BurpBoard

:mag: The leaderboard is automated and unvetted, even though most scams are filtered, it would be good to add a DYOR warning your channel description.


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