[!tldr] This post explains how to set, delete, and view reminders using the
, and/listreminders
commands in Discord and Telegram.
Set quick reminders in your server, chat or DM[1] with the /remind
For this command to be effective, make sure Rick can pin messages in Telegram, in Discord, make sure he can tag @here and @everyone.
[!tg] Use /
anywhere and get reminded in your DM’s. Make sure that you have initiated a chat with Rick, or he won’t be able to DM you.
Both Discord and Telegram have the same workflow. In Discord, reminders are set on a per-channel basis.
[!discord] Discord uses slash-commands for the reminder feature. Use the /remind command and use the fields, when, what and who. Who is optional, if you leave it untouched only you will get pinged.
Set a reminder
- /
remind 1h30m test
- Supports: m, h, d (mins, hours, days)
- Examples: 1h30m, 7d12h, 10m, etc etc
[!tg] You can also reply to the message to remind of:
/remind 5m <optional note>
Delete a reminder
- /
nevermind id
- The ID is shown on creation and in the reminder list.
Show reminders for current channel
- /
Telegram only ↩︎