[2024] Global updates for Rick

Ricklog - 2023-10-31T23:00:00Z

Lot’s of cool updates, where to start? Bubblemaps, Moni Twitter/𝕏 quickscans and more charts.


I will refer to commands with / but keep in mind the Discord prefix is . (dot).

  • :bubbles: Integrated bubblemaps.io for ETH tokens. Usage: /bm 0x0123

  • :globe_with_meridians: Chart support added for Solana, Arbitrum and BSC. Usage: /c pepe

  • :chart_with_upwards_trend: Charts should look a lot better in general!

  • :moni: Moni Discover integration - get a quick glance of Twitter/𝕏 projects/users. Usage: /moni mentionlux

  • :bird: The Twitter/𝕏/X rewriter to fix your chat’s embeds has become better in dealing with different sorts of messages. Usage: /fixtwitter on (slash command in Discord as well).

  • :ninja: Added a shortlink for Shuriken - a popular tradebot utilizing both Telegram and Web.

0x Channel

  • :newspaper_roll: Rick listens for different type of messages in my 0x aggregator channel, responding to tickers/contracts for all channels tracked. Also most Twitter/𝕏 links will be reposted as fxtwitter.com link in the comments.

Telegram-only :telegram:

  • :sol: Rick now responds to Solana contracts and links (if u notice any bugs, please contact me).

  • :heavy_dollar_sign: $ticker can be used as alternative to fetch priceinfo as result of the improvements made for my 0x channel. Use /cashtag off to disable.

Tip: wrong token? Anyone in your chat can set filters: /rickfix token 0xC7e6B676bfC73Ae40bcC4577F22aab1682C691C6

Smol Ricklog - 2023-11-04T23:00:00Z

  • Use /z grok 2 (or even 3) to get the second result in case the first one is wrong. This can be used as quick alternative to /rickfix. Works both in :telegram: Telegram or :discord: Discord.

  • Small improvements for :discord: Discord embeds, you’ll notice!

  • Honeypots in :telegram: Telegram are now more prominently displayed.

  • BETA: see the tweet below. As of now, ATH’s have been added to the /serverburp :discord: command (/groupburp on :telegram: Telegram).

Ricklog - 2023-11-17T23:00:00Z

  • :mountain: Added ATH data on most leaderboards, including /burp & /idk, but also @BurpBoard (applies to :telegram: and :discord:)

    • :fire: indicates this is the highest ATH Rick has seen
    • :cold_face: indicates it’s 50% down from ATH
    • :skull: indicates you can either buy the dip, or let it die (or die with it)
  • Probably dozens of smaller fixes I already forgot about :grinning:

  • :bulb: I will post a Discord and Telegram feature highlight article soon, also explaining how to tackle the most common issues that arise (wrong token, fixing twitter links, turning of $cashtag responder) and useful features.

View on Twitter

Quick update

  • You can now use the /soc command to find socials for SOL tokens. Usage: /soc ca (NOT pair address, the token contract)
  • Does not work for fluxbeam tokens at this point.

Hi Rick Chainley

Rick has been rebranded to avoid potential legal issues. The documentation will be updated soon, it’s quite behind on some features.

Minor improvement for :sol: Solana top holders scan.

First of all: default pricemode needs to be advanced (this is default) or you need to use /x or .x for the holder scan to execute. This happens in real time on every scan.

Example top holder line looks like this:

:busts_in_silhouette: TH: 16.4 | 4.6 | 3.3 | 2.9 | 2.4 [39%]

It shows the TOP 5 including the pool, followed by the total percentage for the TOP 10.

If TH line does NOT show, the token has too many holders and it hit my time out, I still want Rick to respond fast. You can use RUG or Solscan or another bot to get a deeper look into the top holders in this case.

Identify ERC404 tokens

For Ethereum :eth: tokens, Rick will now show the supply minted for known ERC404 implications. Rick might not detect all ERC404 tokens as contracts might adapt, please DYOR as always.

This feature is pushed on both telegram and discord.

GM. My ETH node is syncing after the Dencun upgrade - some features might not work as expected or can be a bit slower as usual due to the use of a public backup node.

DexScreener charts

Both on Discord and Telegram, you can now get a DexScreener.org chart for all chains they are supporting.

Simply use /cc token 1h instead of /c.

Supported timeframes are 1m, 5m, 15m, 1h & 4h. Defaults to 5m.

Discord users can respectively use .cc.

Easier socials

Once the first user have used /soc, the socials will now be visible inside the pricebot. If no socials are available, a shortcut to /soc is shown.


Only Telegram and X/Twitter are shown in the pricebot. If you want to see all URL’s found, click the SOC link or use the /soc command.

Currently supported chains for the /soc command are:

:beetle: This feature is currently being tested publicly in Telegram. Expect this to be pushed to Discord in the coming week. Please report any bug you encounter!

Filter overview

Both in Discord and Telegram, you can now see all filters you have setup with /rickfix and /rickunfix - use /showfixes to pull up the list.

TON support

Good news. DexScreener supports TON network :ton: now. This means Rick is updated to work with TON and the most common shortlinks have been updated.

For Telegram users who were using /z token ton - this is still possible for now (until DexScreener adds other DEX’s like ston.fi).

Both in Discord and Telegram, the autoresponder is enabled for TON :ton: tokens.

Pump Fun Token Detection

Rick now detects the token name + $SYMBOL for pump fun tokens. If detected, the :pill: emoji links you to the pump.fun page.

This feature is live on Telegram :telegram: and Discord :discord:.

:banana: :gun: NEW: You can also trade pump.fun tokens directly with BananaGun now using the BAN button anywhere on Rick.


Base honeypot detection

Beta chats may have noticed that Base tokens started showing honeypot information similar to ETH/BSC tokens.

Great news! Thanks to honeypot.is, Base :base: honeypot detection is now available for all Discord & Telegram servers!

For a full explanation of all abbreviations used on Rick, check out: Pricewidget Walkthrough: Mastering the Essentials

Burpboard improvement

Burpboard filtering scams and weird rugs should be a lot better now!

Pumpfun Indicator

Rick now shows a :pill: indicator if a pump.fun token is detected.

In Telegram :telegram: the emoji itself is clickable and you can click it to visit the pump.fun site for the token.

In Discord :discord: the same structure is not possible, therefore the tokenName will be hyperlinked to the pump.fun page.

:notebook_with_decorative_cover: A note for Discord users: currently this check is done the first time .soc is ran, I will be monitoring this for a while and if this logic is not reliable enough, I will improve this.

Pumpfun info & more

GM. :sun_with_face:

  • The bot should feel quicker. Its highest activity ever was seen on 2024-05-14T22:00:00Z. Several changes have been made to improve its stability.

  • Rick now shows pump.fun information:

    • Including FDV, % filled (shows :white_check_mark: if filled), time since creation, hit count on Rick and amount of comments for now.
  • Improvements to the leaderboards, fewer scams are included and filters have been improved, making the leaderboards more insightful.

These changes are now live in both telegram and discord.

Most notable updates last month

  • First bot to integrate with BullX.
  • PumpFun scans enhanced with more details.

Telegram only :telegram:

  • Quick BubbleMaps & DexScreener Charts are now integrated - just click the :bar_chart: :bubbles: emoji’s next to “:toolbox: More.”
  • Token tracking now shows a clickable username that takes you to the original message if groupmode is enabled.
    • Setting /groupmode on/off can be used to change the default to group/global. Default is on (showing group first scan info).
    • /gc <token> can be used as /x alternative to show group data instead of global data in the footer (if groupmode is off).
  • Set a custom AI prompt for your chat with /prompt and change Rick’s behavior.
  • /ask command is still in beta, but is working properly now.
  • Clans for Telegram - premium chats can set their clantag right now. From 2024-06-30T22:00:00Z any chat can set their clantag.

Discord only :discord:

  • .ts improved AI summaries of any Twitter user/project profile now!
  • Better support for :ton: TON token address detection

Pump.fun tracking, clantags are live on Telegram & token tracking for everyone!

  • :pill: Pump.fun tokens are now tracked! You’ll see the lowest scan info for your chat/server on the first scan after the migration.

  • :shield: Clantags are now live in Telegram. Use /clantag to set your clantag as a group. What are clantags?

  • :rocket: Active token tracking is now enabled in all servers and chats.

    • What is active token tracking?

    • Use /groupburp or /serverburp to request your active token leaderboard.

    • Use /gc token to show group data (available in Discord soon)

    • Premium chats have more consistent alerts, lower leaderboard cooldowns & longer token retention.

    • With this feature, several enhancements have been made to improve your overall experience.

    • Experimental in :telegram: Telegram: /groupburp network to filter by chain. Has to be the full network name for now (“solana”, not “sol”) as shown on the pricebot and supports any chain.

  • :ton: Now showing more data & top holders both in Discord and Telegram for TON tokens.

  • :bubbles: BubbleMaps integration has been updated, for pump.fun and Solana tokens you always have access to live BubbleMap data right inside Telegram!

    • @ Discord :discord: users: The integration is on Telegram, the links are shown next to “More” (ch for chart, bm for BubbleMaps) on the Discord bot and will take you to Telegram, until Discord allows developers to integrate in a similar way.

Active leaderboard stats

On various leaderboards, several interesting stats are now displayed for your group. Several other leaderboard commands will be added soon, next up Discord will get /servergun and /serverme which has been live on Telegram for a while.

Additionally, you will see how your group is doing versus other groups/servers.

View all leaderboard commands: :discord: Discord:telegram: Telegram

Rick’s trending pump.fun tokens (BETA)

[!new] Now, also available /dextrending for trending DEX tokens and /sptrending for :sun_with_face: sunpump

With the amount of pump.fun tokens launching it can be hard to discover tokens worth your attention. To help you, a experimental feature has been released and is now available both on :telegram: Telegram and Discord :discord:.

[!discord] Discord users can simply select the /pftrending command from the slash-command list.

  • On pump.fun tokens scans you will see :fire: #1 now for trending tokens.
  • The :pill: emoji always takes you to the pump.fun site!
  • /groupmode is default for pump.fun. Allowing you to see who scanned when in your chat.
  • The command /pftrending can be used at anytime to query trending pump.fun tokens. You can also use the shorter command: /pft.
  • Coming soon for all non-pumpfun tokens!

[!warning] Always DYOR - trending algo’s are fairly easy to be manipulated.