Reserved for updates/announcements/daily findings/interesting threads etc. NFA/DYOR.

15 minutes, expect volatility: https://www.justice.gov/live

YouTube link: LIVE: Department of Justice announces international cryptocurrency enforcement action — 01/18/23 - YouTube OR WATCH LIVE: Justice Department holds briefing to announce new action on "cryptocurrency enforcement" - YouTube

[DB] New FTX CEO John J. Ray III Says He’s Considering Restarting Crypto Exchange: WSJ

New NFT marketplace, check if you can claim boxes >> AlienSwap Mystery Boxes

Free coinbase NFT mint

Collabland airdrop later tonight: 2023-02-24T01:00:00Z

Arbitrum airdrop | claim @ 2023-03-23T14:00:00Z

Try the new Discord mobile UI :point_down:

@rektfencer is launching $RektARB @ 2023-04-22T17:00:00Z


If you claimed $ARB, you can claim this as well.


You can claim $REKT now!

Be MEV aware frens!

Rick now tracks shills across servers. Currently running alpha version for 24 hours ish in @0xCrypticCrypto and my own server exclusively. Drop a DM if you’re a server owner and might be interested. More info :thread:

Lol, OpenSea supports $PEPE now

Everything you need to get started on Pulse Chain :brain:

My guide will be updated as more dApps in the ecosystem will go live, read it here.

Cointelegraph Twitter compromised, stay safe.

Finally polished the ‘Shitcoineur’ cheatsheet from my drafts. :boom:

Awesome market update feed

Curated TG folder pack (update required) from OfficerCIA

many ppl do daily/weekly summaries already, so I kinda stopped doing these, I still have cool things to share so ill bundle them in a recap dump, feel free to share

The FTX 2.0 Coalition announced that the FTX portal will be launching on July 3.


You can now analyze and learn about contract source codes in EtherScan Code Reader, powered by OpenAI.