If you track wallets, pay attention. Many fake TX’s are happening and most wallet trackers do not detect this. :thread:

Beware of scam artists manipulating the search algo on @dexscreener with “larger” shitcoins… a short thread.

:rotating_light: Receiving reports that nfttrader/.io is compromised. Do not sign anything, suspected to be a wallet drainer [share tweet]

Nansen 2: join the Early Access waitlist

BASE: Official Bridge is now live!

“Today, we’re thrilled to announce our next step in that journey: Base is now open for bridging, and mainnet will be open for everyone on August 9.”

My Base guide: Base Network [cheatsheet]

If you have an existing Rollbit account, make sure to check check if you can claim your $RLB airdrop (approximately worth $140). Click here to login to Rollbit and check your RLB balance.

A dive into share pricing on friend.tech

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MetaMask Snaps are in public beta now.

Some FT trading bot popping up… Telegram: Contact @PalPayBot - token soon?

So X nerfed link previews to the point where they just show an image, worth trying Arc Browser.

Discord is currently down and is investigating.

MetaMask got removed from Apple App Store :anguished:

Metamask responded

Update: MetaMask back on the App Store :fox_face:

Maestro Router FUD :rotating_light:

Heard people getting drained, better safe than sorry.

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