Quicklinks explained

For your convenience, Rick always shows shortcuts to most used bots and tools. These shortcuts are mostly Ethereum hardcoded if the network is not fully supported or unknown.

[!rick] To add new bots like Axiom or Ape.Pro, a third row is available with beta mode

Shortcut Types

There are two different sets of shortcuts.

1. DEX tokens

Chain specific shortcuts will be shown for most networks.

2. Pre-DEX tokens, wallets, NFT’s

We assume these are either:

  • a token that is not live yet - Rick shows bots like Maestro/Banana and other tools that are useful for sniping/scanning contracts
  • a wallet - Rick shows shortcuts to DeBank, Kaito Analyser and similar wallet checkers.
  • a NFT contract - Rick shows links to OpenSea and NFT related tools

[!tip] Number 1 can be changed from advanced to simple or turned off with: /pricemode (e.g. /pricemode sim)
Number 2 can be turned off with: /noresultmode off


So what do these shortcuts mean? The cheatsheet below contains all abbreviations used in the quicklinks on Rick.

New quicklinks

Shortcut Target Comment
PND Panda Snipe Bot :berachain:
AXI Axiom :sol:
PDR Padre :sol:
BLO Bloom on Solana
NOV Nova on Solana
APE Ape.Pro by Jupiter

[!tip] Use CMD / CTRL F to search on this page

All quicklinks

Shortcut Target Comment
PHO Photon :sol: :base: :eth:
PRO Maestro Pro -
BAN Banana Gun :sol: :eth: :base:
MAE Maestro -
DEX or DS DexScreener -
CA or EXP Contract -
DT DexTools -
SPY DexSpy -
CK Consortium Key -
HP Honeypot.is -
SUS SusBot -
SF SAFE Analyzer Bot -
TAX Tax Inspector -
TW Twitter/𝕏 Search -
GG Google Search -
BN/BAN Banana Gun -
CA Contract -
UNI UniBot -
SIM Simulate launch -
OT Simulate launch with Otto -
DB DeBank profile -
DC DexCheck wallet PnL -
KT Kaito Analyser for wallet PnL
OS OpenSea -
BLUR Blur -
AT AlphaTrace for wallet PnL
MINT Mint on Mint.fun -
SHU Shuriken
STB Solana Trading Bot
SIG Sigma
TRO Trojan

Keywords: quicktask

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