Popular Questions

Answers to the most frequently asked questions about Rick. You can find all FAQ topics here: FAQ

Why is there no refresh button on Rick?

Because we do not want to manipulate old data. In :telegram: Telegram, simply click the token title or reply with /x, /z or /c to the token response, to re-scan the token in your DM’s.

Secondly, buttons occupy a significant amount of valuable space, and Rick consistently strives to minimise clutter in the chat.

How do I delete a wrong token?

On Telegram, quickly reply with x to delete any Rick response.
On Discord, click the trashcan emoji.

What is the /p command on Rick?

To avoid conflict with other bots, Rick uses /a to search CoinGecko tokens, and /x or /z to search DEX tokens. In Discord, these are similar, but with a dot . prefix.

How do I open the pump.fun page?

On token scans, the :pill: emoji always takes you to the pump fun page. On Discord, the token name is hyperlinked.

The wrong token is showing

  1. Use /z (or /x) pepe 2 or 3 to get the next result (works with any query)
  2. Set a token filter for your group (any member can do this): /rickfix pepe 0x...

Can Rick use less emoji’s?

:telegram: Yes, use /emojimode off for a (experimental) version that shows less emojis on the main price responses. Preview: [1]

Why can I not query token Y with $cashtags?

Cashtag support is limited to text symbols only. Use /x 🐕 or /z 01 (or .x and .z on Discord) to query tokens that start with:

  • A emoji, e.g. :dog2:
  • A number (we do not want Rick to respond to dollar values e.g. $200)
  • Search queries can never be 1 character, no matter what command you are using, you should setup a /rickfix

What tools are available under :toolbox: More?

  • :bubbles: or bm - open BubbleMap mini-app :telegram:
  • :bar_chart: or ch - open DexScreener mini-app :telegram:
  • :art: or Lens - open Google Lens
  • :speech_balloon: or SOC - shows socials
  • :busts_in_silhouette: to open holder history
  • :package: or bundle to check bundle info :pill:
    • Only shown on pumpfun scans, you can force scan with /pf or .pf

How does the global @BurpBoard work?

You can read all about it in this topic.

Does Rick Bot have a token?

:warning: No. There is no token and there are no plans to launch a token for Rick.

Why does Rick respond to wallets?

If no active trading pair is detected, we check if this is an ERC-20 token on ETH or SOL token. If this fails, a default set of shortcuts is shown - this means this will also be shown for wallets.

The benefit is that anyone can copy the address by clicking/tapping on it to do further research. This also acts as a fall-back in case anything goes wrong, you still have quick access your favorite bot.

Because of space limitations and a preference for minimalism, the default link block is changed often as the market adapts.

Total holders (TH) line explained (EVM)

See: Pricewidget Walkthrough: Mastering the Essentials

Using Rick alongside other bots

I understand that you might want use some features of Rick, and prefer another price bot. Rick can be in your server/chat with any other bot. There are multiple solutions available:

  1. Create a seperate channel for Rick or the other bot(s) - only allow the bot to read/send in this channel.
  2. Change the preference for Rick’s behavior on contracts: /noresultmode off stops Rick from replying to contracts that have no active pairs.
  3. /pricemode off stops rick from responding to contracts. This way, Rick will still keep track of your watchlists and you still track your tokens. On :telegram: Telegram, you can do the same with /autoresponder.

Keep in mind that Rick is designed to be in every public channel. As a server admin, it’s advised to set some rules about command/AI usage.

  1. ↩︎