[2024] Global updates for Rick

Ricklog - 2023-10-31T23:00:00Z

Lot’s of cool updates, where to start? Bubblemaps, Moni Twitter/𝕏 quickscans and more charts.


I will refer to commands with / but keep in mind the Discord prefix is . (dot).

  • :bubbles: Integrated bubblemaps.io for ETH tokens. Usage: /bm 0x0123

  • :globe_with_meridians: Chart support added for Solana, Arbitrum and BSC. Usage: /c pepe

  • :chart_with_upwards_trend: Charts should look a lot better in general!

  • :moni: Moni Discover integration - get a quick glance of Twitter/𝕏 projects/users. Usage: /moni mentionlux

  • :bird: The Twitter/𝕏/X rewriter to fix your chat’s embeds has become better in dealing with different sorts of messages. Usage: /fixtwitter on (slash command in Discord as well).

  • :ninja: Added a shortlink for Shuriken - a popular tradebot utilizing both Telegram and Web.

0x Channel

  • :newspaper_roll: Rick listens for different type of messages in my 0x aggregator channel, responding to tickers/contracts for all channels tracked. Also most Twitter/𝕏 links will be reposted as fxtwitter.com link in the comments.

Telegram-only :telegram:

  • :sol: Rick now responds to Solana contracts and links (if u notice any bugs, please contact me).

  • :heavy_dollar_sign: $ticker can be used as alternative to fetch priceinfo as result of the improvements made for my 0x channel. Use /cashtag off to disable.

Tip: wrong token? Anyone in your chat can set filters: /rickfix token 0xC7e6B676bfC73Ae40bcC4577F22aab1682C691C6