If you’re active in the Solana trenches, you have probably seen the term “Bundled” - if you want to learn more about bundling and what to look for, you’re in the right place.
[!tldr] Bundles on Solana involve multiple wallets buying large token supplies simultaneously to create (fake) demand. Notable bundles are shown for awareness. Tracking bundles involves human judgment, as automated tools can misclassify wallets. Use 1-second charts to identify patterns like big green or red candles, which suggest bundled activity. Bundling isn’t always bad if supply is in the right hands.
What are bundles?
When launching a token, users can utilise bundling tools[1] which allow for the initial purchase of a token (usually a large chunk of the supply) by multiple wallets simultaneously within one or multiple transactions. Without proper tools, these might be hard to spot for the average trader.
How does Rick help here?
Rick shows notable bundles (if detected) on all pumpfun (/pf
or .pf
) scans & on newly migrated Pumpfun tokens. They are indicated with the
emoji (or
in Discord) and are always clickable for further analysis.
[!warning] When a notable bundle is detected, be cautious and monitor their sells, huge bundles are often scams!
Tracking sells
Rick does not update holdings, instead it shows you if the launch was bundled. You can click the emoji for an in-depth analysis using accurate tools like Syrax and TrenchRadar. Most modern terminals like Photon and GMGN often flag bundled wallets for real-time tracking.
What is a notable bundle?
Rick displays the dedicated bundle line only when a notable bundle is detected. Generally speaking, a bundle is considered notable if a substantial quantity of supply is purchased within a very narrow range of slots. The specific variables may be adjusted over time.
Human judgement
Looking into bundles always necessitates certain human judgement, as automated tools can only present you with the data.
In cases where the detection is overly sensitive, there is a risk that human wallets are flagged as bundled wallets, the other way around, bundled wallets might be flagged as human traders.
[!note] Bundling is not always bad, only if they sell/kill a token. Projects may bundle in order to maintain supply control, this is a bit out of scope for this article, but supply held in the right hands can be a good sign. Always analyse (top) holders (TH) to get a better insight of who’s controlling the supply, look at PnL and trading history, GMGN is a good platform for diving into wallets.
Some tips
[!tip] For most of these tips you should use the
1 second
chart, they are available on almost any charting platform, for example Photon or GMGN.
- Big green candle
after launch or migration often indicate a bundled launch [2]
- Constant flow of (relatively small) sells from multiple wallets often indicate a bundle is farming. This often happens on larger volume plays, bundles can easily sell into volume.
- A very big red
candle often indicates a bundle selling [3]
The methods for bundling and the countermeasures against them are continually evolving, and the details described may change in the future.
Keywords: bundles, sniped, blocks, sniping
This process is often facilitated by automated scripts or bots that can manage up to 20 or more different wallets. Each wallet can be set to execute a part of the transaction, such as buying the token immediately after it’s created, which gives the appearance of higher initial demand and liquidity. ↩︎
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