TON - The first blockchain to 1 billion users?

@Sakura please summarize this article, thanks uwu.

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TLDR :star2:

TON, the blockchain project originally started by Telegram, has made a remarkable comeback and is now poised to become one of the largest blockchain networks, potentially even the first to reach 1 billion users.

Key Points :key:

  • TON was originally developed by Telegram in 2017 but faced regulatory hurdles, leading to a rebrand as “The Open Network”.
  • TON has a robust tech stack including a scalable blockchain, decentralized DNS, storage, and payments solutions.
  • TON has seen exponential growth in active wallets, total value locked, and trading volume over the past year.
  • The integration of USDT stablecoin and the launch of incentive programs like “The Open League” are driving further adoption.
  • TON’s ability to leverage Telegram’s massive 900+ million user base gives it a unique advantage in onboarding users.

In-depth Summary :memo:

TON, or The Open Network, is a blockchain project that was originally started by the Telegram founders in 2017. Faced with the challenge of finding a Layer 1 blockchain capable of hosting Telegram’s 9-figure user base, they decided to build their own - the Telegram Open Network (TON). After a successful $1.7 billion ICO, they began developing the project, which included a scalable blockchain, decentralized DNS, storage, and payments solutions.

However, TON ran into regulatory issues with the SEC, leading Telegram to abandon the project in 2020. But the TON community persevered, and an independent entity, TON Labs, took over the project, rebranding it as “The Open Network.” Recently, Telegram has re-engaged with TON, and the project has seen a remarkable resurgence, climbing to become the 9th largest crypto project with a current FDV of $25 billion.

The growth metrics for TON are impressive - active wallets have increased by 1,900% year-over-year, while total value locked has grown over 1,200% year-to-date. The recent integration of the USDT stablecoin and the launch of incentive programs like “The Open League” are further driving adoption.

Crucially, TON’s ability to leverage Telegram’s massive 900+ million user base gives it a unique advantage in onboarding users, potentially making it the first blockchain to reach 1 billion users.

ELI5 :hugs:

TON is a special kind of internet that was started by the people who made Telegram. It’s like a new way for people to use the internet and do things like send money, store files, and even have their own websites, all on this new TON network.

At first, TON had some problems with the government, but now it’s back and growing really fast. More and more people are using TON, and it’s even got its own special rewards and games that you can play to earn free TON tokens.

The best part is that TON can use all the people who already use Telegram, which is a really big messaging app, to help it grow even bigger. So TON might be the first internet thing to reach 1 billion users, which is a lot of people!

Writer’s Main Point :bulb:

The writer’s main point is that TON, the blockchain project originally started by Telegram, has made a remarkable comeback and is now poised to become one of the largest blockchain networks, potentially even the first to reach 1 billion users. This is due to TON’s robust tech stack, exponential growth metrics, and its unique ability to leverage Telegram’s massive user base.

Relevant Links :link: