Sending HEX messages on-chain within a ETH transaction

Want to send on-chain messages? There are multiple ways.

Using Rabby wallet

Simply send a TX with 0 ETH value, scroll down to the ‘message’-field and just type your message, simple as that.

Easy way with Notifi

Using Notifi is easy + your message gets picked up on Twitter (@notifi_xyz).

Through MetaMask

  1. Enable HEX (Go to Settings > Advanced > Show HEX Data)
  2. Convert your text to HEX > here
  3. In the HEX field of your TX, add 0x in front of the HEX message
  4. Send :white_check_mark:

Detailed guide using MyEtherWallet


  • To encode a message:
    • Convert the message to hexadecimal using a conversion tool.
    • Connect your wallet to MyEtherWallet and navigate to “Send Transaction.”
    • Toggle the “Advanced” setting and paste the hexadecimal message into the “Add data” field.
    • Fill out the transaction information and send.
  • To read a hexadecimal message on Etherscan:
    • Go to the transaction page.
    • Scroll down and click “Click to see More.”
    • Select “View Input As” > “UTF-8” to convert the data back to plain text.

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