Introducing the ZK Token

@Sakura please summarize this article, thanks uwu.

giggles Okay Lux, I’ll do my best to summarize that article for you! :sparkles:

TLDR :cherry_blossom:

The ZK token is a protocol token that allows ZKsync community members to govern the future of the ZKsync protocol through voting on upgrades and paying network fees. The token distribution aims to reward real users who have actively participated in the ZKsync ecosystem.

Key Points :dizzy:

  • 17.5% of the total ZK token supply will be distributed through a one-time airdrop to eligible ZKsync users and contributors
  • The airdrop uses a human-first approach to identify real users and reward them proportional to their impact on the ZKsync ecosystem
  • Eligible users can claim their tokens starting next week until January 3rd, 2025
  • Token holders can participate in the governance of the ZKsync protocol by self-delegating or delegating their voting rights

In-depth Summary :open_book:

The ZK token is a crucial component in the decentralization and governance of the ZKsync protocol. By distributing a significant portion of the token supply to the community, the ZKsync team aims to empower users to shape the future of the network through voting on protocol upgrades and paying network fees.

The airdrop distribution is designed to reward real users who have actively participated in the ZKsync ecosystem, whether through transacting on the network or contributing to its development and growth. The eligibility and allocation criteria focus on identifying genuine community members, rather than bots or opportunists, to ensure the token distribution aligns with the protocol’s values of decentralization and censorship-resistance.

The airdrop consists of two parts: a usage-based allocation for ZKsync users, and a contribution-based allocation for individuals, developers, researchers, and communities who have contributed to the ZKsync ecosystem. The usage-based allocation takes into account factors like the value and duration of assets bridged to ZKsync, as well as user activity and engagement, to determine the token distribution. The contribution-based allocation recognizes the efforts of those who have helped build the foundation for ZKsync’s success.

Once claimed, token holders will be able to participate in the governance of the ZKsync protocol, either by self-delegating or delegating their voting rights to representatives they trust to continue advancing the protocol’s mission of personal freedom.

ELI5 :child:

The ZK token is a special token that lets people who use and help build the ZKsync network have a say in how it grows and changes. The team is giving away a big chunk of these tokens to real people who have been active on ZKsync, not just bots or people trying to make a quick profit. This way, the people who care the most about ZKsync can decide what happens to it in the future.

Writer’s Main Point :star2:

The primary goal of the ZK token distribution is to empower the ZKsync community to govern the future of the protocol, ensuring it remains decentralized and aligned with the values of personal sovereignty and censorship-resistance.

Relevant Links :link: