Global Ricklog

Rick’s trending tokens (BETA)

[!new] Now, also available /dextrending for trending DEX tokens and /sptrending for :sun_with_face: sunpump

With the amount of tokens launching it can be hard to discover tokens worth your attention. To help you, a experimental feature has been released and is now available both on :telegram: Telegram and Discord :discord:.

[!discord] Discord users can simply select the /pftrending command from the slash-command list.

  • On tokens scans you will see :fire: #1 now for trending tokens.
  • The :pill: emoji always takes you to the site!
  • /groupmode is default for Allowing you to see who scanned when in your chat.
  • The command /pftrending can be used at anytime to query trending tokens. You can also use the shorter command: /pft.
  • Coming soon for all non-pumpfun tokens!

[!warning] Always DYOR - trending algo’s are fairly easy to be manipulated.