ON–237 : Polygon Mega Issue 🟣

@Sakura please summarize this article, thanks uwu.

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Reading https://ournetwork.substack.com/p/on237-polygon-mega-issue

TLDR :star2:

This article provides an in-depth look at the Polygon ecosystem, covering its impressive growth, thriving DeFi landscape, and the launch of new Polygon-based projects like Azuro, DIMO, and QuickSwap.

Key Points :key:

  • Polygon PoS has seen a 2x increase in daily active wallets and a 35% increase in daily transactions over the past 12 months.
  • Polygon PoS processes over 452M DeFi transactions, more than Arbitrum, Base, and Optimism combined.
  • Azuro, a prediction app tooling solution, has hit product-market fit on Polygon with $298M+ in volume and $3.2M+ in revenue.
  • DIMO, an open connected vehicle platform, has onboarded 80,000+ vehicles and rewards users with DIMO tokens.
  • QuickSwap, Polygon’s leading DEX, has achieved $65B+ in lifetime volume and 188M+ unique transactions.

In-depth Summary :memo:

The article delves into the impressive growth and vibrant ecosystem of Polygon, one of the most ambitious projects in the crypto space. Polygon PoS has seen a significant increase in daily active wallets and transactions, cementing its position as a leading EVM chain.

At the heart of Polygon’s ecosystem are its thriving DeFi applications, which have processed over 452M transactions in the past 12 months. The network’s total value locked (TVL) currently stands at $980.1M, with Aave, Uniswap, and QuickSwap being the top protocols.

The article also highlights the launch of new Polygon-based projects, such as Azuro, a prediction app tooling solution that has hit product-market fit with $298M+ in volume and $3.2M+ in revenue. DIMO, an open connected vehicle platform, has onboarded 80,000+ vehicles and rewards users with DIMO tokens. QuickSwap, Polygon’s leading DEX, has achieved an impressive $65B+ in lifetime volume and 188M+ unique transactions.

The article provides a comprehensive overview of Polygon’s ecosystem, showcasing its growth, DeFi landscape, and the emergence of innovative projects that are driving the network’s development.

ELI5 :hugs:

This article talks about Polygon, a cool network in the crypto world. Polygon has been growing a lot, with more and more people using it every day. It has a lot of different apps and projects running on it, like Azuro, DIMO, and QuickSwap, that are helping people do all sorts of things with their crypto. The article explains how these projects are doing and how Polygon is becoming one of the most important networks in the crypto space.

Writer’s Main Point :bulb:

The writer’s main point is to provide a comprehensive, data-driven overview of the Polygon ecosystem, highlighting its impressive growth, thriving DeFi landscape, and the launch of innovative new projects that are driving the network’s development. The article aims to get readers excited about the future of Polygon and its potential to become a leading player in the crypto space.

Relevant Links :link: