ON–233: Real World Assets 🌍

@Sakura please summarize this article, thanks uwu.

Browse Web

Reading https://ournetwork.substack.com/p/on233-real-world-assets

TLDR :star2:

This article provides an in-depth look at the growing real-world asset (RWA) ecosystem on public blockchains, covering key players like Centrifuge, Provenance, Figure, Ondo Finance, Maple Finance, Superstate, and Clearpool.

Key Points :key:

  • Over $162B of RWAs are now on public blockchains, up from early issuances on private platforms.
  • Centrifuge onboards Gnosis DAO to invest $1M USDC in its Anemoy Liquid Treasury Fund.
  • Provenance has $12B+ in TVL, with Figure being the largest non-bank HELOC originator on the platform.
  • Ondo Finance crosses $420M in TVL for its cash equivalent products like USDY.
  • Maple Finance’s secured lending pools have issued over $150M in loans, and its cash management product sees inflows.
  • Superstate’s USTB fund crosses $100M AUM in under 3 months, and Clearpool reaches $500M in total loan originations.

In-depth Summary :open_book:

The article delves into the growing real-world asset (RWA) ecosystem on public blockchains, showcasing the progress and milestones of various key players in this space.

It starts by highlighting the shift from early RWA issuances on private, permissioned blockchains to the increasing adoption of public blockchains, driven by a desire for interoperability. The article then provides an overview of the activities and achievements of several prominent RWA platforms.

Centrifuge, the platform for tokenized real-world assets, is highlighted for onboarding Gnosis DAO to invest $1M USDC in its Anemoy Liquid Treasury Fund, demonstrating the composability and adoption of RWAs by DAOs. Provenance, a leading L1 for RWAs, is noted for its $12B+ in TVL and Figure’s position as the largest non-bank HELOC originator on the platform.

Ondo Finance is recognized for crossing $420M in TVL for its cash equivalent products, including the yield-bearing stablecoin USDY. Maple Finance’s secured lending pools and cash management product are also discussed, showcasing their growth and performance.

The article then covers Superstate’s launch of the USTB fund, which reached $100M AUM in under 3 months, and Clearpool’s milestone of $500M in total loan originations, highlighting the increasing institutional adoption of these platforms.

Throughout the article, the author provides “Tx-Level Alpha” insights, highlighting specific on-chain transactions and activities that demonstrate the innovative features and capabilities of these RWA platforms.

ELI5 :hugs:

This article talks about how more and more real-world assets, like loans, bonds, and other financial products, are being put on public blockchains. This allows them to be traded and used in new ways, like being used as collateral for loans or invested in by decentralized organizations (DAOs).

The article highlights several companies that are leading the way in this space, like Centrifuge, Provenance, Ondo Finance, Maple Finance, Superstate, and Clearpool. It shows how these companies are helping to bring traditional finance onto the blockchain, making it more accessible and programmable.

Writer’s Main Point :bulb:

The main point of the article is to showcase the growing real-world asset (RWA) ecosystem on public blockchains, highlighting the progress and achievements of various key players in this space. It demonstrates how RWAs are becoming increasingly integrated into the decentralized finance (DeFi) landscape, offering new opportunities for yield, composability, and institutional adoption.

Relevant Links :link: