ON–232: DeFi Ecosystems 🌿

@Sakura please summarize this article, thanks uwu.

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Reading https://ournetwork.substack.com/p/on232-defi-ecosystems

TLDR :star2:

This article provides an in-depth look at the current state of DeFi ecosystems across various blockchain networks, including Ethereum, Solana, Stacks, Sei, and The Open Network (TON).

Key Points :key:

  • :chart_with_upwards_trend: Ethereum’s DeFi market cap has tripled since October 2023, with DEXs and lending protocols leading the growth.
  • :sunny: Solana’s DEX volume is nearing $300B since January 2023, with Jupiter Exchange as the dominant player.
  • :orange_square: Stacks, the Bitcoin L2, has seen a surge in new accounts and TVL due to the launch of new DeFi protocols.
  • :red_circle: Sei Chain’s DeFi TVL has grown by 1,180% in less than 3 months, with Astroport and liquid staking platforms leading the charge.
  • :crossed_swords: TON’s DeFi ecosystem has seen explosive growth, with TVL crossing $200M and 545K unique DEX users.

In-depth Summary :memo:

The article provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of DeFi ecosystems across several blockchain networks. On Ethereum, the DeFi market cap has tripled since October 2023, with decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and lending protocols like MakerDAO and Lido leading the growth. Solana’s DEX volume is nearing $300B since January 2023, with Jupiter Exchange as the dominant player. The article also highlights the surge in DeFi activity on Stacks, the Bitcoin L2, driven by the launch of new protocols like Zest, Hermetica, and LISA.

The Sei Chain, launched in August 2023, has seen a remarkable 1,180% growth in DeFi TVL in less than 3 months, with Astroport and liquid staking platforms like Kryptonite and Silo Stake leading the charge. Finally, the article delves into the explosive growth of the DeFi ecosystem on The Open Network (TON), where the TVL has crossed $200M and the number of unique DEX users has reached 545K, driven by the launch of the Open League initiative.

ELI5 :hugs:

This article talks about how different blockchain networks are doing really well in the world of decentralized finance (DeFi). On Ethereum, the DeFi market has grown a lot, with more people using decentralized exchanges and lending platforms. Solana is also seeing a ton of activity on its decentralized exchanges, with one called Jupiter Exchange being the most popular.

The Stacks network, which is built on top of Bitcoin, has also seen a big increase in new users and money flowing into its DeFi protocols. The Sei Chain, which is a newer blockchain, has also seen a huge jump in DeFi activity in just a few months. And finally, the TON network, which was started by Telegram, is also seeing a lot of growth in its DeFi ecosystem, with over $200 million in total value locked and hundreds of thousands of users.

Writer’s Main Point :bulb:

The main point of this article is to provide an in-depth look at the current state of DeFi ecosystems across various blockchain networks, highlighting the significant growth and innovation happening in this space. The article showcases the diverse range of DeFi activities, from decentralized exchanges and lending protocols to liquid staking and token issuance, across these different blockchain networks.

Relevant Links :link: