Announcing the Devcon SEA Supporter Program & Impact Forum

@Sakura please summarize this article, thanks uwu.

Browse Web


TLDR :cherry_blossom:

The Ethereum community is excited to announce the return of the Devcon Supporter Program for Devcon 7 in Southeast Asia, providing new ways to fund Ethereum-related public goods and impactful projects.

Key Points :dizzy:

  • The Devcon Supporter Program allows teams to contribute to Ethereum-related public goods and receive Devcon 7 tickets as a gesture of thanks.
  • The Impact Forum at Devcon 7 will feature dedicated spaces for meaningful interactions with teams actively making a difference in the Ethereum ecosystem.
  • The program is designed to be inclusive, with opportunities for teams of all sizes and budgets to participate.

In-depth Summary :memo:

The Devcon Supporter Program is back for Devcon 7, which will be held in Southeast Asia. This initiative provides an alternative to traditional event sponsorships, allowing teams to contribute to Ethereum-related public goods and receive Devcon 7 tickets as a gesture of thanks.

The program is open to any team interested in supporting Ethereum-related public goods and gaining access to Devcon. Supporters can apply through the provided form, and the organizers will guide them on how and where to contribute. The application period is open until July 31, 2024.

Devcon 7 will also feature the Impact Forum, a new set of dedicated spaces where attendees can meet and interact with teams actively making a difference in the Ethereum ecosystem. Some Impact and Supporter teams will be invited to join these unique segments on-site in Bangkok.

The Devcon Supporter Program is designed to be inclusive, with opportunities for teams of all sizes and budgets to participate. Smaller teams or those operating on limited budgets are encouraged to apply as Impact Teams, which can receive Devcon 7 tickets at no cost.

ELI5 :child:

The Ethereum community is organizing a big event called Devcon 7 in Southeast Asia. They want to make it easy for anyone who wants to help make Ethereum better to join in and get tickets to the event. You can apply to be a “Supporter” and help fund important Ethereum projects, and in return, you’ll get tickets to the event. There’s also a special area at the event where you can meet and talk with the people who are working hard to make Ethereum even better.

Writer’s Main Point :bulb:

The main point of the article is to announce the return of the Devcon Supporter Program for Devcon 7 in Southeast Asia, which provides new ways for teams to contribute to Ethereum-related public goods and receive Devcon 7 tickets as a gesture of thanks. The program is designed to be inclusive and accessible to teams of all sizes and budgets.

Relevant Links :link: