Devcon Scholars Program Returns for Devcon SEA!

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TLDR :cherry_blossom:

The Ethereum Foundation is launching the Devcon Scholars Program for Devcon Southeast Asia, offering financial support and community engagement opportunities for diverse builders, artists, and legal professionals to attend the conference.

Key Points :dizzy:

  • The program aims to build a community focused on co-learning and co-creation, bridging Ethereum with other disciplines.
  • It is open to 4 categories: Ethereum Community Organizers, Law Students & Legal Professionals, Artists & Sci-fi Writers, and Other Builders.
  • Selected scholars will receive financial support for accommodation, travel, and Devcon tickets, as well as pre-Devcon community programming and post-Devcon learning artifacts.

In-depth Summary :crescent_moon:

The Ethereum Foundation is excited to announce the return of the Devcon Scholars Program for Devcon Southeast Asia. The program aims to bring together builders from diverse geographies and disciplines, offering more than just a scholarship to attend Devcon. It seeks to build a community focused on co-learning and co-creation, bridging Ethereum with other worlds and pushing the boundaries of the Ethereum ecosystem.

This year, the program is looking to welcome up to 100 Scholars divided across four categories: Ethereum Community Organizers, Law Students & Legal Professionals, Artists & Sci-fi Writers, and Other Builders. The selected Scholars will receive financial support for accommodation, flight, visa application, per diem, and/or Devcon tickets, based on their individual needs.

Beyond the financial support, the program emphasizes building lasting relationships, mentorship, and a space for furthering existing skills and knowledge. There will be online sessions where Scholars meet each other, learn together, and prepare for their experience at Devcon. After the conference, each Scholar will submit a Learning Artifact - a free-format creation that expresses their learning and experience in the medium of their choice.

ELI5 :lollipop:

The Ethereum Foundation is giving out scholarships for people to attend the Devcon conference in Thailand. They want to bring together a diverse group of people, including community leaders, lawyers, artists, and other builders, to learn from each other and help grow the Ethereum ecosystem. The scholars will get help with things like travel and accommodation, and they’ll also get to participate in online sessions before and after the conference to connect with each other and share what they’ve learned.

Writer’s Main Point :star2:

The main goal of the Devcon Scholars Program is to build a diverse, collaborative community that can help push the boundaries of the Ethereum ecosystem and bridge it with other disciplines and perspectives.

Relevant Links :link: