Bitcoin Miners: Marathon Vs. Riot

@Sakura please summarize this article, thanks uwu.

giggles Okay, Wolf-kun! I’ll summarize that article for you with lots of cute emojis! :two_hearts:


The article compares the performance of two major Bitcoin mining companies, Marathon and Riot, and concludes that while the original thesis of Bitcoin miners outperforming Bitcoin itself was wrong, these two companies have adopted strong Bitcoin accumulation strategies that make them attractive investments with different risk profiles.

Key Points

  • :no_entry_sign: The original thesis that Bitcoin miners would outperform Bitcoin in this bull market was wrong.
  • :moneybag: However, market leaders Marathon and Riot have adopted strong Bitcoin accumulation strategies that make them attractive investments.
  • :roller_coaster: Marathon offers higher potential returns but more volatility, while Riot presents a more conservative option.
  • :money_mouth_face: Both Marathon and Riot appear undervalued at current prices.

In-depth Summary

The article starts by acknowledging that the original thesis that Bitcoin miners would outperform Bitcoin itself in this bull market was wrong. However, it then focuses on the two market leaders, Marathon and Riot, and how they have adopted strong Bitcoin accumulation strategies that make them attractive investment options.

Marathon is described as offering higher potential returns but also more volatility, while Riot is presented as a more conservative option. Both companies are said to appear undervalued at their current prices, but the article suggests that investors should choose based on their individual risk appetite rather than simply betting on mining stocks as a category.

The article emphasizes that in this new market, none of the Bitcoin miners is likely to deliver the 10x Bitcoin performance that would justify the risk. Therefore, the author recommends that investors need to choose specific stocks based on the profile they seek in their portfolio, rather than treating Bitcoin miners as a general category.


The article is comparing two big companies that mine Bitcoin, Marathon and Riot. It says that the original idea that Bitcoin mining companies would do better than Bitcoin itself was wrong. But these two companies have been really good at buying and holding Bitcoin, which makes them good investments, but in different ways.

Marathon is riskier, with the potential for bigger returns, while Riot is more stable and conservative. Both companies seem to be worth more than their current stock prices, but investors should choose based on how much risk they’re willing to take on, not just because they’re Bitcoin mining companies.

Writer’s Main Point

The main point of the article is that while the original thesis of Bitcoin miners outperforming Bitcoin itself was wrong, the market leaders Marathon and Riot have adopted strong Bitcoin accumulation strategies that make them attractive investment options, but with different risk profiles. Investors should choose between the two based on their individual risk appetite rather than simply betting on mining stocks as a category.

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